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Paulius Pinigis

Paulius Pinigis kaip režisierius debiutavo 2015 m. su spektakliu "Šauktiniai" pagal KJT trupės dramaturgiją. Nuo tada kasmet pristato spektaklius bendradarbiaudamas su KJT trupe ir Valentinu Masalskiu, atlieka pagrindinius vaidmenis įvairiuose Klaipėdos teatruose. Už vaidmenį spektaklyje "Žiurkiagalviai" Dalios Tumulevičiūtės teatro festivalyje apdovanotas kaip geriausias jaunasis aktorius.

Paulius Timolė

Paulius Tamole is a theatre director, educator, actor, contemporary dance performer and a member of the creative syndicate ‘Stage Strangers’. P. Tamolė has presented many plays for children and youngsters at the Lithuanian National Drama Theatre and Klaipėda Drama Theatre. Paulius has been nominated as the Best Emerging Artist of the Year in 2008. Furthermore, his collaborated work ‘Contemporary’ has won the Golden Cross of the Stage award as Performing Arts Phenomenon of the Year in 2013.

Gea Gojak

Gea Gojak is a theatre director and actress from Croatia. She has a Bachelor’s degree in acting and doll theatre. In addition she'd finished her Master studies in Serbia. G. Gojak is creating plays in various Croatian and Serbian theatres, as well as acting in various theatres, films and projects on television. Gea, along with other professional actors, theatre directors and educators is organising applied theatre activities for various social groups.

Agnija Leonova

Jaunos kartos režisierė baigusi studijas pas Aidą Giniotį, dirbusi su Oskaru Koršunovu ir pasaulinio masto režisieriumi Tadashi Suzuki Japonijoje. Agnija savo magistro temai pasirinko skaitmeninį teatrą, o paskutiniame spektaklyje „Y“, kurio premjera įvyko praeitų metų rudenį, nagrinėja žmogiškuosius santykius per technologijų prizmę.

Eglė Švedkauskaitė

Eglė is a theatre director, who has obtained her Bachelor’s degree at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre under the mastership of Jonas Vaitkus (2018). Since graduating Eglė has presented plays ‘Heda Gabler’ and ‘We are fine’ at the Lithuanian Russian Drama Theatre. E. Švedkauskaitė and her acting group has won the first place at the ‘Young European Theatre’ contest in Italy (2018).

Yasen Vasilev

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