Goda Dapšytė
Theatre studies, doctoral degree in humanitarian studies, theatre and dance critic. Goda has published more than two hundred theatre and dance reviews, has written few plays, and collaborated with Latvian dramatist Janis Balodžius and director Valteris Silius in order to create a play “Barricades” at Lithuanian National Drama Theatre.

Kamilė Žičkytė
has obtained a degree in theatre studies at Lithuanian Music and Theatre
Academy. Has been working closely with No Theatre and organizing theatre festivals
“Silence!”. For many years, Kamilė has been collaborating with recording studio “Ymir Audio”,
as well as working thoroughly on musical projects.
Kristina Steiblytė
has obtained master’s degree in art studies/art criticism at Vytautas
Magnus University. For many years, Kristina has been writing and publicly talking about
theatre. Her written work has been published in almost every cultural Lithuanian publication.

Povilas Patlaba
second year journalism student at Klaipeda University.