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drama: “KETURI” (FOUR)

Music: “TANGO”

“TANGO” is a distinctive, vibrant dance composition full of passion and improvisation based on the music of composer A. Piazzolla. Choreographer Aušra Krasauskaitė​; performed by the 3 rd year acting students of Klaipėda University Academy of Arts, course leaders V. Masalskis and N. Sinkevičiūtė.

Music: “TANGO”

“TANGO” is a distinctive, vibrant dance composition full of passion and improvisation based on the music of composer A. Piazzolla. Choreographer Aušra Krasauskaite​; performed by the 3 rd year acting students of Klaipeda University Academy of Arts, course leaders V. Masalskis and N. Sinkeviciute.

Monday, 12th March


“KONCERTAS” (The Concert) is a performance based on the songs written by the performers themselves, different characters and various genres. The whole collection may be called a TV concert, a show or just a “Concert” which covers everything: heartfelt lyrics and parody, but most importantly – comforting and meaningful time. Performed by the 3rd year acting students of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, course leaders V. Bareikis and A. Latenas.

Monday, 12th March


Tuesday, 13th March

Original performances of young professionals presented at “Young Theatre Days” theatre workshops have reached the level of theatrical etude and will become short plays in the festival this year. During the open previews of workshop pieces, the audience of Klaipeda will have a chance to meet promising artists, to look deeper into the original theme of the festival, as well as to get acquainted with the contemporary theatre in a non-conventional space.

The theme of “Young Theatre Days” workshops: creating theatrical pieces through unique means of inspiration. This year the creators will seek inspiration in various works of Lithuanian authors. The texts, paintings and musical pieces selected especially for the festival will become the starting point for the theatre. During the previews of workshop pieces, the teams consisting of professional directors, actors, scenographers, and playwrights will deliver their short plays. Six separate performances can be watched as a series of plays as well as independent performances, so the viewers are free to join the previews as well as to leave them whenever they want.

The workshops which will take place in the spaces of Švyturys Arena will gather young directors Povilas Makauskas, Monika Klimaite, Mantas Janciauskas, Egle Kižaite, Aleksandr Špilevoj and Giedre Kriaucionyte. Building on an original inspiration the participants of theatre workshops will try new methods of creation, while the viewers of the plays will learn about the attitude of the young theatre generation towards the theme of Lithuanian identity.


After the previews of short plays an open discussion between the creators and the viewers will take place, it will be hosted by the theatrologists Kristina Steiblyte and Kamile Žickyte.


The play is based on the stories of playwrights Janis Jonevs and Anete Konste where the main characters – people or animals – are involved in a variety of relationships, mutual co-dependence, and passion. The piece deliberately deals with the extremities of the co-existence of the humans and the beasts. A beast within a human and a human within a beast – do we really know where the former begins and the latter ends? “For a long time, I had thought that animals were merely mechanisms created by the infallible hand of God to do everything that is necessary for their own survival and that of their offspring. However, recently when I saw a performance of a trained pig in London it shook my confidence and now I don’t know what to think anymore” - Sarah Trimmer, 1788 After the play the meeting of the creative group and the viewers will be held, the discussion will be hosted by the theatrologist Kristina Steiblytė.


Playwright: Janis Jonevs, Anete Konste
Directed by: Marcis Lacis
Choreographer: Katrina Albuže
Light artist: Julija Bondarenko

Scenography: Kristians Brekte
Composer: Matiss Runtulis
Cast: Ivars Krasts, Klavs Mellis, Marija Linarte

Wednesday, 14th March


Thursday, 15th March

Original performances of young professionals presented at “Young Theatre Days” theatre workshops have reached the level of theatrical etude and will become short plays in the festival this year. During the open previews of workshop pieces, the audience of Klaipeda will have a chance to meet promising artists, to look deeper into the original theme of the festival, as well as to get acquainted with the contemporary theatre in a non-conventional space.

The theme of “Young Theatre Days” workshops: creating theatrical pieces through unique means of inspiration. This year the creators will seek inspiration in various works of Lithuanian authors. The texts, paintings and musical pieces selected especially for the festival will become the starting point for the theatre. During the previews of workshop pieces, the teams consisting of professional directors, actors, scenographers, and playwrights will deliver their short plays. Six separate performances can be watched as a series of plays as well as independent performances, so the viewers are free to join the previews as well as to leave them whenever they want.

The workshops which will take place in the spaces of Švyturys Arena will gather young directors Povilas Makauskas, Monika Klimaite, Mantas Janciauskas, Egle Kižaite, Aleksandr Špilevoj and Giedre Kriaucionyte. Building on an original inspiration the participants of theatre workshops will try new methods of creation, while the viewers of the plays will learn about the attitude of the young theatre generation towards the theme of Lithuanian identity.


After the previews of short plays an open discussion between the creators and the viewers will take place, it will be hosted by the theatrologists Kristina Steiblyte and Kamile Žickyte.

Drama: “FOUR”

Friday, 16th March

Play “4” is based on an extract from a cult novel by V. Pelevin “Chapayev and Void”. According to the author, it is the first novel in world literature the action of which takes place in the absolute void. The interpretation of the director Kamile Gudmonaite comprises the flight of ideas, irony, and paradoxes, where contemporary reality intervenes with the mythology of Oriental cultures, and the low culture of the streets with the spiritual contemplation. Is this world real? How can we indulge in the eternal pleasure? Can we escape from the illusion of self-awareness? The play is imbued with Buddhistic ideas of illusionistic view of the world, the language is simple.

After the play the meeting of the creative group with the viewers will be held, the discussion will be hosted by the theatrologists Kristina Steiblyte and Goda Dapšyte.


Based on the passages from the novel of V. Pelevin “Chapayev and Void”.
Directed by: Kamile Gudmonaite
Scenographer and costume designer: Barbora Šulniute

Cast: Mantas Zemleckas, Danas Kamarauskas, Gytis Laskovas.
Translated from Russian by Rimantas Vanagas.


Saturday, 17th March

At the meeting with Gabriele Labanauskaite-Diena we will discuss how we can cultivate our creativity, develop our imagination, and even our will, as any kind of work requires not only inspiration but also determination and effort. Gabriele Labanauskaite-Diena is a playwright, who gives lectures at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and is about to publish her book “Dramatika”, dedicated to the research on the contemporary playwright. The best-known plays of Gabriele in Lithuania are: „Raudoni batraisciai“ (Red Shoelaces), „Žalgires“, librettos – “i švyturi” (To the Lighthouse), “Honey, Moon”, etc. The author takes interest in topics dealing with mutual understanding, tolerance, identity, as well as in relevant and important social questions.


Cinema workshops are added to this year’s programme of “Young Theatre Days”. The previous festivals introduced some short films of young Lithuanian cinema directors, while this year they will be made during the festival. The makers of cinema will spend the whole week in Klaipeda and will seek inspiration in the works of Lithuanian authors – the texts, paintings, and music. The screenplays based on this inspiration will be turned into films with the cast of the participants of “Young Theatre Days” theatre workshops. The audience of “Young Theatre Days” cinema preview
will have a chance to see a spontaneous, youthful and original cinema production, as well as to be the first viewers of the unveiling of short films.

Saturday, 17th March


Saturday, 17th March

Agniete Lisickinaite and Greta Grineviciute is a couple of active artists of the young generation who first appeared on a professional stage of dance in 2012; in 2013 they both performed in a play of contemporary dance “Hora lupus”/Vilko valanda” (Wolf Hour) of their course leader A. Nagineviciute. The dancers are invited to dance in the works of famous Lithuanian choreographers, however, they also develop their own individual artistic concepts.

Young choreographers and dancers A. Lisickinaite and G. Grineviciute present their first common work. After a long investigation and playing with B&;B girls, the artists go on the stage not only to speak about things which are relevant to every young woman, a creator, a student with a desire to become an independent artist, but to find out for themselves and to reveal it to others what is it that holds them back from becoming open-minded in both everyday life and in the theatre.

On 23rd September 2016 dance performance “Dialogue between B and B” was presented to the audience of Cork (Ireland), at Firkin Crane Home of Dance. The idea of the performance was born in this city during the Blank Canvas dance residence, after which the artists decided to further develop the journey of these two characters and to take it to the theatre stage.

After the performance the creative group will meet the viewers, the discussion will be hosted by the theatrologists Kristina Steiblyte and Goda Dapšyte.

Choreographers and performers: Greta Grineviciute and Agniete Lisickinaite
Composer: Arturas Bumšteinas
Playwright: Sigita Ivaškaite
Scenographer and costume designer: Laura Darbutaite
Directors of video editing: Jonas Tertelis, Greta Grineviciute

Light artist: Povilas Laurinaitis

Music: concert of the band GARBANOTAS BOSISTAS

Saturday, 17th March

The pride of Lithuanian alternative stage – this is how “Garbanotas bosistas” is described by the musicologists. The band founded almost ten years ago by two brothers was soon appreciated by the fans and now they actively perform not only in Lithuania but at international festivals as well. Several years ago the musicians, who combine neo-psychedelic rock with indie folk rock, were recognized as the best alternative music band in Lithuania at M.A.M.A. awards. The audience will have a chance to see it for themselves at the closing party of the festival “Young Theatre Days”.

© 2024 Young Theatre Days

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